Selasa, 13 Maret 2012


The St. Andrew's Banner of Dixie Papists
THE CATHOLIC KNIGHT: History has just been made. For the first time ever, the Deep South of Dixie has just voted for two Catholic candidates for president. South Carolina and Georgia voted for Catholic convert Newt Gingrich, while Alabama and Mississippi just voted for traditional Latin Mass Catholic Rick Santorum.

Catholic Convert
Newt Gingrich
Traditional Catholic
Rick Santorum
While I suffer from no illusions about either of these two candidates -- they are both big government Republicans who have compromised their conservative principles -- I am compelled to point out to my readers that history has just been made. The Deep South of Dixie has just demonstrated a willingness to shed its anti-Catholic history and support a Catholic for the highest office of the land. (They just can't decide which one yet.)

When you couple this with the fact that Catholics are taking leadership roles within the New Southern Nationalist movement, it can safely be said that what we are witnessing in the Southland of Dixie is a profound paradigm shift crossing all religious lines. The South is coming out pro-Catholic, and as far as this strongly Evangelical part of the United States goes, they say the more traditionally-conservative Catholic the better. (Now if we can only find one that believes in Subsidiarity.)

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