Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Another Santorum Reality Check

Rick Santorum
THE CATHOLIC KNIGHT: I know many of my readers are rooting for Rick Santorum. I've pointed out the problems with Santorum here on this blog, but I realise he is no worse than Obama on many issues, so it's pretty much a wash. Santorum's appeal to many conservative Catholics and Evangelicals is almost exclusively along social issues. The purpose of this post is not to debate the merits of Santorum's candidacy. The purpose of this post is to introduce a healthy dose of reality to the conversation.

The fact is, it is a statistical impossibility for Rick Santorum to gain enough delegates to win the GOP nomination. Santorum's ONLY shot is to deprive Romney of enough delegates to force a brokered convention. A lot of that chance will likely evaporate today as it is suspected that Santorum will lose Illinois to Romney. Illinois is a 'must-win state' for Santorum, and it doesn't look like that is going to happen. The nomination is Mitt Romney's to lose. So if he just plays his cards right, he will win the nomination.

Mitt Romney is an unexciting candidate to say the least.  He is an undeniable Pro-Life fraud.  He has a favourable record toward gay-marriage.  It will be difficult to motivate Christian Republicans to turn out to the polls to vote for him.  When it comes to Romney, only hatred for Obama, and disdain for Obama alone, can garner enough GOP votes to give Obama a serious challenge in November.   Will such negativity be enough to propel Romney into the Whitehouse.  I doubt it.  As a result, The Catholic Knight is preparing his family for another four years of the Obama administration.

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