Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

ALERT! Big Prophecy Update For USA Coming Soon!

THE CATHOLIC KNIGHT: A big prophecy update will be forthcoming in this place very soon. I've not written it yet, so please pray for me on this. But I can tell you this right now. It has to do with the connections between Akita, Fatima, Lourdes and Champion, focusing particularly on what our Lord and Lady have to say to the USA through the events at Champion in the context of Akita, Fatima and Lourdes.


As a side note to those of you who have been praying for my father. I've not given an update till now since it appeared that there was nothing new to report. However, in recent days I've learned of a possible resolution to his income problem. It is still unknown what the final outcome will be, so it's too early to send a praise report, but it does appear that your prayers for my father are having some kind of potentially positive effect. I ask for your continual prayers at this difficult time. Thank you all for everything you've done so far.

In Christ,


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