Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

For God and for Country...

For the aristocrat of Old Dixie, with all his faults and inconsistencies, did understand what the gentle man of Old Europe generally did not. He did understand the Republican ideal, the notion of the Citizen as it was understood among the noblest of the pagans. That combination of ideal democracy with real chivalry was a particular blend for which the world was immeasurably the better; and for the loss of which it is immeasurably the worse. It may never be recovered; but it will certainly be missed.
THE CATHOLIC KNIGHT: I know many among my international audience will have difficulty understanding this. My readers in the Northern and Western United States may have difficulty with it too. Please try to indulge me for a bit, for it is a story that must be told, and I feel it my responsibility to tell it, just as it is for any Southern man in my position on the blogosphere. Don't worry, in the not too distant future, just days from now, the Vatican will awake from it's long summer vacation, striking up news of interest to all my readers. Until then however, you'll just have to put up with my hillbilly musings.

The Confederate States of America (Dixie) did exist as a free and independent nation. It was privately recognized as so by Pope Pius IX in written correspondence with President Jefferson Davis. It was the first nation to fall to the industrial-military complex of the American Empire. Dixie fought for the same cause as the United States in the American Revolutionary war. It was the EXACT SAME cause, fought by the direct descendants of the men who fought the British just a generation prior. The Confederate Seal bore the image of General George Washington (a Southern Virginian) riding on horseback. The South saw no distinction whatsoever between the war of 1776 and the war of 1861. It was about taxation, representation and the way the Antebellum economy worked. Yes, slavery was part of that economy, and so it factored into virtually every political debate, but it was not THE debate -- not yet anyway. Today's anti-Confederate propaganda would have us believe slavery was the only issue in the Civil War. They would have us believe that Southerners fought for one thing, and one thing only, and that was to protect and promote slavery. Such pro-federal propaganda flies in the face of the historical facts, and the testimony of those men who became central figures in the war between the states. For example: if the war was all about slavery, why were approximately 80% of the soldiers who fought for the South non-slave owners? If it was all about slavery, what were these 80% non-slave owners fighting for? Why would the South's supreme military commander, General Robert E. Lee, be an outspoken abolitionist? Why would the South's President Jefferson Davis propose legislation to free all slaves, and their families, who joined the Confederate army? After the war, why did the Southern states immediately and overwhelmingly, ratify the 13th Amendment, which made slavery illegal, before the Northern states even brought it up for debate? Why did Northern President Abraham Lincoln repeatedly tell his supporters that the war was not about slavery and that up until 1863 anyway, he had no intention of freeing the slaves? Why did the North's supreme military commander, General Ulysses S. Grant, who was a slave owner, say if he thought the war was about freeing the slaves, he would turn in his sword and fight for the other side!?! When we go back to the original source documentation of the time period, what we find is a completely different story from the people who lived through it, than what is typically taught to us today through the popular mainstream corporate media and our nation's government schools.

Shortly after Dixie fell to the industrial-military complex of the American Empire, the Native American tribes followed them into oblivion. Then Spain fell to the American Empire, losing her colonies to Uncle Sam. World War I would have been a stalemate had not America intervened, and through America's intervention, the monarchies of Europe were crushed and replaced with democratic republics, paving the way for European fascism and ultimately World War II. The historical list of the American Empire's abuses goes on and on, but I will stop here.

My only concern is for my homeland, Dixie, an occupied nation for 145 years now! It was from here my mother's family came, and it was from here they toiled in poverty a century after the war, thanks to the "reconstruction" given to them by the Northern American Empire. Let it be known that my sixth-great grandfather, on my mother's side, was an Englishman who came to America and dealt in slave actioning, not in the South, but in NEW YORK CITY! (The building he once owned still stands today.) Discouraged and heartbroken by the inhumanity of the business, he left it all behind, to move down South, where he spent his fortune buying slaves, educating them and setting them free! There he stayed as a successful farmer in the hills of Tennessee, and his sons became successful farmers as well, none of his sons or their sons owned slaves. They remained a successful, and modestly wealthy, farming family until the war (1861 - 1865) which robbed them of all their land, homes and possessions, as well as some of their lives. My mother's side of the family remained in abject poverty for a century after the war. My mother herself was raised in a drafty dirt floor home, where she and her brother were babysat by an elderly black woman, while her parents both worked picking cotton as sharecroppers. Sharecropping is how my mother's family survived for decades after the war. Things were so bad at times that there was no opportunity for school among the children. Thus my once affluent Southern family fell into illiteracy. Not so for my mother and her brother. Both my grandparents worked in the cotton fields to assure their kids an education, and for this they were fortunate. This remained the status quo in my mother's family until they finally left the South (Arkansas region) for California back in the 1960s. There my grandfather worked in a machine shop, until he eventually became foreman, while my grandmother sold Avon products door-to-door, and gradually they made enough money to retire and move back to the South (the hills of Tennessee), where they bought a farm and remain there to this day, no longer in poverty. Not bad for a man who can't read!!! and a woman who can barely read. I am very proud of my grandparents and I should be.

There is so much people don't know. There is so much that has been blotted out of the pages of history. There is so much our government wants to hide. The people of other nations often wonder how our federal government could be so cruel to other nations at times. To which I must respond by saying our federal government has had a lot of practice by doing the same to its own people. Make fun of us all you like. Poke fun at our accents. Laugh at us if you will. It's nothing that hasn't already been done for a century and a half. It doesn't change who we are, and it doesn't change the fact that you can't keep us down forever.

I've been following a certain man's journeys for almost a decade now. He is one I hold as a hero, for one reason and one reason only. He speaks the truth without fear and without hesitation. For this he is an honorable man, and I will accept no criticism of him. It was with men such as these that my grandparents toiled in the cotton fields for years. You see, we just have a different way of looking at things in the South. It is what it is. You can view his interview with the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SVC) HERE.  I encourage all my readers to watch this video.  Please, if you're not from the Dixie, you really need to learn what this man has to say, or at least, listen to the sentiment in which he says it.

I leave you now with another quote from G.K. Chesterton followed by a video clip on black Confederate soldiers....
But the American Civil War was a real war between two civilizations. It will affect the whole history of the world. There were great and good men, on both sides, who knew it would affect the whole history of the world. Yet the great majority of Englishmen know nothing about it, or only know the things that are not true. They have a general idea that it was 'all about n*gg*rs'; and they are taught by their newspapers to admire Abraham Lincoln as ignorantly and idiotically as they once used to abuse him. All this seems to me very strange; not only considering the importance of America, but considering how everybody is now making America so very important. America is allowed to have, if anything, far too much influence on the affairs of the rest of the world; yet those who submit to that influence, or praise that influence, or warmly welcome that influence, seem to take no interest in American affairs........ Lincoln may have been right in thinking that he was bound to preserve the Union. But it was not the Union that was preserved. A union implies that two different things are united; and it should have been the Northern and Southern cultures that were united. As a fact, it was the Southern culture that was destroyed. And it was the Northern that ultimately imposed not a unity but merely a uniformity. But that was not Lincoln's fault. He died before it happened; and it happened because he died.

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