Senin, 15 Agustus 2011


THE CATHOLIC KNIGHT: Today is the Holy Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  The Feast of the Assumption is when Catholics, Anglicans and Eastern Orthodox Christians remember that the Blessed Virgin Mary was Assumed (Translated or Raptured) into heaven at the end of her life.  This is similar to the way in which the Patriarch Enoch and the Prophet Elijah were Assumed to heaven in a similar way, having never tasted death or corruption.  Belief in the assumption of Mary was widely accepted by the early Christians, in spite of what our Evangelical friends would have us believe, and to this day there are no relics left behind of the Blessed Virgin.  This is highly unusual when one considered that the early Christians saved and venerated every bone and fragment of high profile Christians who had died.  The skeletons of Saints Peter and Paul can be found in Rome to this day.  Likewise, portions of all the original apostles and Biblical characters are venerated in shrines all throughout Europe and the Middle East.  Yet nothing remains of Jesus and Mary.  Their bodies are gone, having left this earth behind in total.  Jesus having ascended into Heaven, and Mary having been assumed (translated or raptured) into heaven.

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