Rabu, 08 Februari 2012

The Catholic Knight On SNN Podcast

The flag of our people, our culture and our nation.
THE CATHOLIC KNIGHT: I rarely venture outside the blogosphere as The Catholic Knight (TCK), but in this particular case I felt the cause was worthy enough and the people were certainly friendly enough. It was the Obama administration's recent HHS mandate against the Catholic Church that finally pushed me over the line. The gloves are off now. No longer will I tolerate this wicked government in Washington DC. Henceforth, I will seek the independence of my people. So I granted an audio interview with the Southern Nationalist Network, or SNN, which is a news and commentary outlet chronicling the rise of the new Southern nationalist movement in Dixie.

My regular readers know I am a Dixie Nationalist, a son of the South by heritage, and like the Scottish independence movement in the UK, I anticipate the day when our nation can finally be liberated from this imperial regime in the US.

You can hear the audio interview at this link: Podcast: The Catholic Knight. Now you can finally hear the voice behind this blog.

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