Jumat, 27 Januari 2012

Pro-Choice Catholic Politicians Excommunicate Themselves and are Unfit For Public Office

(California Catholic Daily) - When Sonoma County Pro-Life advertised its annual Rally for Life held last Sunday, it promised that its keynote speaker -- Santa Rosa Bishop Robert Vasa -- “is sure to challenge and inspire us all.” Bishop Vasa did not let them down.

“Any government leader, particularly those who claim to be Christian, who claim to be pro-choice, is unworthy of public office,” Bishop Vasa told the rally at Old Courthouse Square in Santa Rosa on Jan. 22. “Absolutely unworthy and absolutely unfit for public office.”

Politicians who support abortion are “as guilty of abortion as those who choose it themselves,” he said. And Roe v. Wade, said Bishop Vasa, was an “illicit and invalid” decision.

Because of its pro-abortion policies, said Bishop Vasa, the U.S. is no longer “the land of the free and the home of the brave. It's a land of the imprisoned and the home of the cowards.”

The bishop’s remarks, reported the Santa Rosa Press Democrat, brought cheers from a crowd of about 100 people who gathered in the afternoon rain to hear his speech.

“Vasa suggested such leaders who publicly hold such a position shouldn't accept communion at Mass,” reported the Press Democrat. “He also said they could be excommunicated, or banished from the church through their actions.”

“In some ways, they excommunicate themselves,” the Press Democrat quoted the bishop as saying in an interview following his speech....

read full story here
THE CATHOLIC KNIGHT: While the excommunication scene above, from the film 'Becket,' seems a little 'over the top' with pomp and circumstance, I do think it accurately conveys the sentiments of most faithful Catholics today, particularly in the United States and Europe. How long must we endure the Church's tolerance of these scandals? How long will it be before the bishops finally say enough is enough? How many more millions of babies must die before the hierarchy FINALLY does its job? We are just sheep, but they are the shepherds. They carry the crosier for a reason. When will they finally drive out the wolves from among us!?! Your comments?

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