Jumat, 20 Januari 2012

Catholic Vote 2012

THE CATHOLIC KNIGHT: What every Catholic needs to know....

Also see this.  A leading Traditional Catholic, distributist, author, columnist and president of the American Catholic Lawyers Association, has likewise come out in favour of Ron Paul...
Christopher A. Ferrara
(The Remnant) - No one is more critical of libertarian error and nonsense than this Remnant columnist, but given the field of liberals that American politics has always been, in this election Paul is far and away the liberal who will do us the least harm. And unlike the serial philanderer Gingrich, Paul is a genuinely decent man, concerning whom even the ultra-sensitive nostrils of the media jackals have been unable to detect so much as a whiff of scandal. In the rogues gallery of American party politics that is saying quite a lot...

read full story here
Dear Catholic reader, if you live in the United States, or you know any Catholic who lives in the United States, I implore you to share this video with as many Catholics as possible. Please get this message out. The future of the United States, and the stability of the world, hangs in the balance. Feel free to use the 'share' icons below, or cut and paste this URL to an email: http://catholicknight.blogspot.com/2012/01/catholic-vote-2012.html

Please spread the word.

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