Minggu, 08 Agustus 2010

This Present Darkness and Future Hope - Catholic Prophecy

The Secrets, Chastisement, and Triumph of the Two Hearts of Jesus and MaryTHE CATHOLIC KNIGHT: Readers of this blog know I have an interest in Catholic prophecy, and they know I'm a firm believer in it. Recently, I've read two books on the subject which I think summarize things quite well. The first is called The Secrets, Chastisement, and Triumph of the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary written by Kelly Bowring, the narrator in the videos above.  It's an excellent book and does bear an Imprimatur.  The real selling point for this book is the overall message pointed out on the second video above.  Mr. Bowring does an excellent job succinctly relating the overall message of all Catholic prophecy and the Bible together.  He delivers a real message of hope in this present age of darkness, supplying a tangible "battle plan" for the Catholic home and family.  My only gripe about the book is Mr. Bowring's strict chronology of events. 

Trial, Tribulation & Triumph: Before, During, and After AntichristWhile Mr. Bowring nails the impending Great Chastisement coming soon upon the world, he tends to follow some private revelations so strictly that he leaves little room for flexibility, thus getting the events of the Great Tribulation of Antichrist mixed in with the Great Chastisement.  In fact, it would appear Mr. Bowring sees no real distinction between the Great Chastisement and the Great Tribulation of Antichrist, and that I think is the book's only major flaw.  Many prophecies of approved private revelation are conditional, meaning there is room for flexibility.  Because of this, I tend to favor Desmond Birch's book Trial, Tribulation & Triumph: Before, During, and After Antichrist.  Mr. Birch's book does not bear an Imprimatur, but it does carry some heavy endorsements from Fr. Michael O'Carroll, professor of theology at Black College in Ireland, and Fr. William Most, professor of theology and scripture at Notre Dame.  The book itself is a heavy hitter at 580 pages.

Basically, the whole controversy centers around the period of peace which is to follow the Great Chastisement and precede the Rise of Antichrist.  Mr. Bowring, following a strict interpretation of the private prophecies of Our Lady of La Salette sees the interim peace as lasting no more than 25 years.  Thus, the period of Great Chastisement and Great Tribulation of Antichrist practically run into each other, giving survivors of the Great Chastisement only a quarter century to catch their breath before the whole thing starts up again with the next apocalyptic phase.  In contrast, Mr. Birch interprets such prophecies more loosely, allowing for at least a couple centuries between the Great Chastisement and the Great Tribulation of Antichrist.  He too acknowledges the 25 year span prophesied at La Salette, however, he more loosely interprets this as meaning a 25 year period of absolute peace wherein the Great Monarch rules unquestionably and the world population appreciates what God has done.  He also cites other Church approved prophets and mystics that back this interpretation.  (The whole book is a much more thorough and exhaustive work on the subject of private revelation.)  After this 25 year period, the world starts it's downward decline again.  However, Birch recognizes that it may take a couple centuries for the depravity of man to reach the point where the final Antichrist makes his public appearance.

Both books correctly recognize the Jewish identity of the final Antichrist, (whenever that period of Antichrist is supposed to come), and the nature of the final apostasy that will lead to the Great Tribulation that concludes the Book of Revelation and sets the stage for the physical return of Jesus Christ.  The final apostasy of course is the rejection of Jesus of Nazareth as the promised Messiah, in favor of a new Jewish "king" that will present himself as the "real Messiah."  Both books recognize that a future anti-pope will likely aid in this deception.  They just disagree on the timing .  Bowring thinks it happens strictly 25 years after the Great Chastisement, while Birch allows room for it to happen much later.

In my personal opinion, when we consider the magnitude of the Great Chastisement, and what this will ultimately do to the human race, it seems ridiculous to me that humanity would turn it's back on Christ totally within just 25 years.  I suppose it's possible when we consider the fallen state of mankind and what we're capable of.  Nevertheless, we're talking about a majority of the world's population being wiped out in the Great Chastisement.  We're talking about events so horrendous and catastrophic, indeed so "Biblical" in proportions, that it's sure to leave a scar on the survivor's memory so deep that falling totally back into depravity is unlikely.  There is one thing about the 25 year mark that makes logical sense, which is why I tend to agree more with Birch's interpretation of the period of peace.  Twenty-five years is exactly how long it takes for a new generation to be born and raised that has no personal memory of the Great Chastisement.  If anybody is going to start doubting, it's going to be this generation.  However, it is all together likely that the doubt, and subsequent slide back into depravity, will not occur overnight.  The generation that remembers the Great Chastisement is still around, and will likely still be around for another sixty or seventy years.  It is only after this generation is completely gone that the threat of doubt becomes a substantial danger.

So in review, I like the spiritual message of Mr. Bowring's book (The Secrets, Chastisement, and Triumph of the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary), but find his chronology of events a little too strict.  I'm more inclined to the flexible chronology of Mr. Birch's book (Trial, Tribulation & Triumph: Before, During, and After Antichrist).  Both are excellent reads.  Go to Mr. Bowring for the overall spiritual message and then go to Mr. Birch for more details, which will give you more flexibility in the chronology of events.

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