Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

Forget the Protestants! Save the Heathens!

THE CATHOLIC KNIGHT: While I'm a firm believer that we should always be ready to give an answer for our faith, especially to Protestant objectors, our real targets of evangelism should be the growing number of faithless and unchurched young adults sprouting up all around us in the Western world.

Most Protestants, especially those who still practice, have a built in resistance toward anything Catholic. They're difficult to reach at best, and in most cases downright impossible. It's as if they've been fitted with blinders for the time being that makes it extremely difficult for them to understand or appreciate the Catholic faith.

What do you think? Should we forget the Protestants and stop trying to actively reach them? Should we totally refocus our evangelistic efforts toward the rising Heathen population? If so, how?

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