THE CATHOLIC KNIGHT: After learning that a friend is working on establishing an Anglican Use Ordinariate parish in my area, I decided to fill in my readers on how they might want to do the same if so inclined. It's very simple really. All it takes is some determination and networking.
Anglican Ordinariates are like diocese, specifically designed for the Anglican Use liturgy and the propagation of Anglican patrimony. They were established by Pope Benedict XVI in November of 2009, and built on the Anglican Use Pastoral Provision established by Pope John Paul II in 1980. Initially designed for American Episcopalians entering the Catholic Church due to social crisis within the Episcopal Church USA, Anglican Use parishes have proved to be beneficial not only to former Anglicans, but also to Roman Catholics and converts from all walks of life. The Anglican Use liturgy is more firmly rooted in English Catholic history and culture than the typical English translation of the Roman Rite currently used in Catholic parishes today.
First, you need to determine that you're not reinventing the wheel. Search your area to see if an Anglican Use parish isn't already nearby, or if somebody else isn't trying to start one. Should you discover one (or one forming), you may want to simply join that group. Anglicans (or Episcopalians), as well as any non-Catholic, can join an Anglican Use parish simply by talking to the priest, and going through the standard initiation process. Roman Catholics can join Anglican Use parishes simply by going to mass there and getting involved in the parish. Once established there, a formal transfer to the Ordinariate can be made through written request, and the local priest can help you with this process.That's the basic elements of it anyway. Follow these steps with perseverance and prayer. Be patient. It may take some time. Set realistic goals. You'll have an Anglican Ordinariate parish eventually. Good luck!
Second, if no Anglican Use parish is within reasonable driving distance, one can be formed in this way. Start networking to find fellow Catholics and former Anglicans (as well as other Christians) interested in starting an Anglican Use parish in your area. Use whatever networking means are at your disposal.
Third, once you have a stable group of about ten people, you can begin regular prayer meetings using the Daily Office of either the "Book of Divine Worship," or "Book of Common Prayer" (whatever is available), and notifying the Anglican Use ordinary bishop of your intent. Making contact with the Anglican Use ordinary bishop is essential if you want to eventually get a priest assigned to your area. A list of Ordinary bishops will be provided here just as soon as one becomes available. In the meantime however, you can contact the Anglican Use Society here... email: president@anglicanuse.org phone: 484-437-8703
Fourth, you may want to contact the local diocesan bishop for the Roman Rite as well, as this may help you gain access to local Catholic parishes that might be willing to host an Anglican Use parish until it's large enough to acquire your own chapel.
Fifth, continue networking and growing through aggressive evangelism of non-Catholics, and educating Roman Catholics about Anglican Use Catholicism.
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