Rabu, 16 November 2011

Dixieland Heritage from a Southern Black Perspective

See H.K. Edgerton's Website Here

THE CATHOLIC KNIGHT: There is always more than one side to a story. This is the story seldom told. I challenge every single Catholic to watch this video with an open mind. There are many blacks in the South who feel this way, certainly not all of them, but many of them. There is more to this than meets the eye, and yes, Americans have been victims of government propaganda on this. Some of my international readers have been snookered by American propaganda too. I've said this before, and I'll say it again. If the U.S. Federal government did today, what it did in 1861, than it would be condemned in the United Nations as an aggressor, and the president would be indicted on war crimes. It's time people learn the other side of the story.

Sons of Confederate Veterans
I will take it a step further. The Cross of St. Andrew is more than just historical. It is more than just heritage. It's about CULTURE. The word 'culture' is based on the Latin word 'cultus' which means 'religion.' That's what this is about when you really get down to it. You see, Dixieland is built on the culture of Southern agrarianism which is categorically different from Northern or Western agrarian culture. This is because the dominant religion in the Antebellum South was high-church Episcopalian (Anglican or 'Anglo-Catholicism'), which shared a lot of common features with Roman Catholicism, particularly in the area of family-run small business and limited government based on Subsidiarity. In fact, the Episcopalian culture of the Antebellum South was so close to Roman Catholics that many Southern Episcopalian parents sent their children to Catholic schools. By the time of the War of Southern Independence (1861 - 1865), both the South's president (Jefferson Davis) and supreme general (Robert E. Lee) were Episcopalians. Both had strong ties to Southern Catholics, and one (the president) was actually raised in a Catholic school. It wasn't until after the War, during and after the period of Reconstruction, that the religious demographic of the South moved toward the Baptists and Pentecostals. Nevertheless, that shell of an Episcopalian/Catholic culture still exists in the courtliness and mannerism of Southerners today.

The Dixie flag (Cross of St. Andrew) must be put forward as a symbol of culture, over and above everything else. It has become the symbol of a people, both white and black, united by faith and virtues, language and manners. It's more than history. It's more than heritage. It's more than states rights. It's so much more than politics. It is our symbol as a people. It is who we are.

Southern Black Civil War Veteran,
photo taken in reunion decades later.
It must also be put forward as a symbol of solidarity as well, between whites and blacks, in spite of those who have abused it over the last century. (Incidentally, those same abusers have done far worse with the American flag, but nobody holds the American flag responsible for this.) As H.K. Edgerton said in the video above; "the key to the room, where the table of brotherhood sits, is this flag!" So long as the American flag (and not Dixie's flag) has dominated the Southland, there has always been racial division, strife and tension. The only time in Southern history when whites and blacks worked together in total solidarity was during the War of Southern Independence. Dixie's "battle flag" was first stitched together during this time, when whites and blacks had to work together to survive, and indeed they did just that, and they fought together under this same banner. (In contrast, Northern Union armies racially segregated their soldiers, Southern armies did not.) Dixie's "battle flag" was a symbol of solidarity between whites and blacks during the War and after, even though it was repressed by the U.S. government during the Reconstruction period. It wasn't until the middle 20th century that some people started using it for racist purposes, and those very same people did far worse with the American flag.

The good news is we are actually winning! With each passing year, more and more people are learning the untold story of the South and her symbols. The propaganda of the U.S. Federal government is being exposed for the lie it is. Let's keep moving forward on this.

Please forward this blog entry to as many people as possible, around the world, especially to Catholics, many of whom are aware of the anti-Catholic history of the U.S. government, and are thus more likely to understand why such propaganda would be used against Southern people today. Please share this article using the 'share' icons below.

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