Senin, 04 April 2011

It Has Begun...

Are you ready for another four years of this man?...

THE CATHOLIC KNIGHT: I am disgusted with politics in general. Every time I go to the polls I feel manipulated. Sometimes it's everything I can do to just drag my body down there and make the effort. Yes, it really is that discouraging to me. However, while I don't know what the outcome of any election will be, I do know this, if we practicing Catholics don't make up our mind immediately, and throw our support behind a particular Republican challenger as soon as possible, the mainstream news media will do what it always does and drive a wedge between the Catholic and Evangelical vote. Once that happens it's over for the presidential challenger, and Barack H. Obama will most certainly be reelected as the next president of the United States in Novemeber 2012. Are you ready for another four years of this man? The only people who can give him another four years is us - by our indecision.

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