Senin, 21 Maret 2011

Exorcism In America

THE CATHOLIC KNIGHT: I'm actually a little surprised CNN did this story, but at the same time, I guess I shouldn't be surprised with the popularity surrounding the recent Hollywood release. Of course, the reporter was careful to use such phrases a "some believe" making sure to distance CNN from confirmation of any religious teachings. (We can't have that now can we.) Nevertheless, I was pleased to see the story and if it raises public awareness to the reality of the devil and the dangers of occult practices, than it's probably a good thing.

Working in the field I do, I have encountered people whom I believe were likely possessed by demonic spirits. In all counts these were people with a history of drug abuse and the occult.

The rite of exorcism is gaining popularity among young (more traditional) priests and seminarians. Perhaps within a decade we will see at least one exorcist in every diocese.

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