Rabu, 17 Maret 2010

TOTAL REBELLION Among US Catholic Nuns

(AP) - Catholic nuns are urging Congress to pass President Barack Obama's health care plan, in an unusual public break with bishops who say it would subsidize abortion.

Some 60 leaders of religious orders representing 59,000 Catholic nuns Wednesday sent lawmakers a letter urging them to pass the Senate health care bill. It contains restrictions on abortion funding that the bishops say don't go far enough.

The letter says that "despite false claims to the contrary, the Senate bill will not provide taxpayer funding for elective abortions." The letter says the legislation also will help support pregnant women and "this is the real pro-life stance."


THE CATHOLIC KNIGHT: Now the rebels are coming out of the woodwork as everybody's true colors are beginning to show. The US Catholic Church is already in schism. It just hasn't been formalized yet.

UPDATE: 3/18/2010
Good News! It appears this organization that is claiming to represent 60,000 nuns has spoke out of turn, misrepresented itself, and at best only represents one-tenth that number, if even that. Religious orders are now releasing press statements affirming the US Bishop's recent stand against the legislation. It it the opinion of 'The Catholic Knight' that this liberal organization that are urging Congress to pass "Obamacare" is being made to appear as if they represent tens of thousands of nuns, but in reality they probably only represent a few hundred.

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