Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

The Episcopal Church USA Will Consecrate A Lesbian Bishop

THE CATHOLIC KNIGHT: I'll go ahead and make a no-brainer prediction that self avowed and partnered lesbian Canon Mary Glasspool will be consecrated the next Episcopalian bishop of Los Angeles. This will probably happen in May or June of this year. The Episcopal Church has to consecrate her. They've already consecrated openly gay and partnered Bishop Gene Robinson. To deny Glasspool the same, after having been validly elected, would be viewed as discrimination based entirely on her gender.

Of course this will send shockwaves through the Anglican Communion again, just as the consecration of Gene Robinson did back in 2004. Of course, there will be the same calls by Anglican primates in the third world to remove The Episcopal Church from the Anglican Communion, and of course, the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams will do absolutely nothing but urge everyone to "settle down and remain calm."

It's the same old story, but this time one thing is different. Episcopalians who wish to return to orthodoxy have an option available to them in the Catholic Church, thanks to Pope Benedict XVI's creation of the Anglican ordinariates. It will be interesting to see how things play out over the summer and fall of 2010.

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