Selasa, 17 November 2009

US Catholic Bishops Approve Final Portions Of New Liturgy Translation With Compromise

THE CATHOLIC KNIGHT: And it's about time!
(The Catholic Spirit) - The U.S. bishops approved the English translation and U.S. adaptations of five final sections of the Roman Missal in voting on the second day of their annual fall general assembly in Baltimore.

With overwhelming majority votes, the bishops approved translations of the proper of the saints, specific prayers to each saint in the universal liturgical calendar; the commons, general prayers for celebrating saints listed in the "Roman Martyrology"; the Roman Missal supplement; the U.S. propers, a collection of orations and formularies for feasts and memorials particular to the U.S. liturgical calendar; and U.S. adaptations to the Roman Missal....

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However, this apparent victory does not come without compromise...
(Post Gazette) - Archbishop Aymond defeated Archbishop Vigneron 126-110, suggesting that the bishops may want someone to diplomatically convince Rome to continue tweaking a new English translation of the Mass that some bishops say is so faithful to the Latin that its English is awkward and ungrammatical. Archbishop Vigneron had been defeated for the same post in 2004, by Bishop Donald Trautman of Erie, who was nominated from the floor that year.

Bishop Trautman is an outspoken critic of the new Mass translations. Yesterday he lost his last battle to prevent approval of the Mass translations, but was delighted with Archbishop Aymond's election.

read full story here

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