Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009

In Wake Of Anglican-Catholic Developments, Now Bulgarian Orthodox Prelate Wants Speedy Reunion With Rome

(Catholic.Net) - A Bulgarian Orthodox prelate told Benedict XVI of his desire for unity, and his commitment to accelerate communion with the Catholic Church.

At the end of Wednesday's general audience, Bishop Tichon, head of the diocese for Central and Western Europe of the Patriarchate of Bulgaria, stated to the Pope, "We must find unity as soon as possible and finally celebrate together," L'Osservatore Romano reported.

"People don't understand our divisions and our discussions," the bishop stated. He affirmed that he will "not spare any efforts" to work for the quick restoration of "communion between Catholics and Orthodox....

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THE CATHOLIC KNIGHT: So my question is this. Which of the Orthodox churches is more ecumenical? Who will beat whom to restore full communion with Rome? Are the Bulgarians about to outdo the Russians or the Greeks? Will the Russians and Greeks stand for this? Are they really going to be upstaged by the Bulgarians?

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