Senin, 26 Maret 2012

America - Can You Handle The Truth?

American Revolutionary War Flag
THE CATHOLIC KNIGHT: Patrick Henry is famous for penning the great American Revolutionary motto: 'Give me Liberty, or give me death.' He is revered as one of our greatest founding fathers for this, but Patrick Henry also gave us a warning. He warned us about the excessive dangers of abandoning America's original government -- The Articles of Confederation -- for a national Constitution that centralised and consolidated power in what would eventually become Washington DC. If you call yourself an American, you MUST read Patrick Henry's warning, and ask yourself, did he not predict everything that would happen 224 years in advance???
(Constitution.Org) -- The Confederation, this despised government [Articles of Confederation], merits, in my opinion, the highest encomium -- it carried us through a long and dangerous war; it rendered us victorious in that bloody conflict with a powerful nation; it has secured us a territory greater than any European monarch possesses -- and shall a government which has been thus strong and vigorous, be accused of imbecility, and abandoned for want of energy? Consider what you are about to do before you part with the government. Take longer time in reckoning things; revolutions like this have happened in almost every country in Europe; similar examples are to be found in ancient Greece and ancient Rome -- instances of the people losing their liberty by their own carelessness and the ambition of a few. We are cautioned ... against faction and turbulence. I acknowledge that licentiousness is dangerous, and that it ought to be provided against. I acknowledge, also, the new form of government [The Constitution] may effectually prevent it. Yet there is another thing it will as effectually do -- it will oppress and ruin the people....

Patrick Henry, Virginia 1788
Most American's do not know their own history, nor do they stop and consider that the government that fought for independence from the British Empire was disbanded within seven years after attaining that independence.  What replaced it was the Constitution of the United States of America, a much more centralised and consolidated federal republic.

On the political Right of American politics today are those who enshrine the Constitution as Holy Writ.  Some will literally say they believe it to be a divinely inspired document on par with the Bible.  They believe the Constitution is our sacred founding document, that there was no 'America' prior to it, and that everything that is good about America flows from it.  They are strict constructionists, consistent with their point of view, believing the Constitution never changes, and must be followed and obeyed by both the government and the people.

On the political Left of American politics today are those who believe the Constitution is a 'living and breathing' document, again, a different way of interpreting Holy Writ, meaning something new to each successive generation.  It is a document that is flexible, able to be moulded and applied to fit the needs of the day.

Both the political Left and political Right of American politics are religious zealots, but each in their own way, with their approach to the Constitution mirroring their approach to the Bible, or whatever other scriptures they hold as sacred, if any.  Can there ever be a reconciliation between them?  No.  Never.   They will forever hold each other in enmity.  For religious zeal is their driving principle.

I submit to you here that both are wrong.  Both have made a critical error in reason.  Both have consigned themselves in perpetual conflict which can only result in the destruction of the nation they both hold dear.  Both must repent of their wicked religious zeal for a man-made secular document.  'The Catholic Knight' is about to call a spade a spade, and say something that is sure to make both the political Right and the political Left a little uncomfortable...


Get that through your thick skulls now before it's too late!  When was the last time you read the U.S. Constitution anyway?  Is it not this same Constitution that originally denied women's suffrage, enshrined slavery into federal law, and counted a slave as three-fifths of a person?  Well, I suppose three-fifths of a person is better than half a person, or no person at all, but still, does this sound divinely inspired to you?  Maybe it depends on the kind of divinity you worship.  I don't know about you, but I worship the Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - who teaches through his Holy Catholic Church that rights come from God, that women have the same legal rights as men, and a slave is just as much of a person as a freeman.  Maybe you disagree with my interpretation of the U.S. Constitution here.  That's fine, since neither you nor I have the authority to interpret it anyway.  That authority is reserved explicitly for the United States Supreme Court.  You know, that same Supreme Court that gave us the Dred Scott decision, 'Separate but Equal' racial segregation, the banning of prayer in public schools, and of course Roe v. Wade.  The Constitution makes it clear that only the Supreme Court has the right to interpret it authoritatively, and this is how the Supreme Court has interpreted it.  Divinely inspired?  I think not.

I submit to you here that both the political Left and the Right are wrong in America.  Both are guilty of idolatry.  Both have ascribed too much to a secular document that many of America's founders opposed.  Maybe it's time Americans take a second look at the Articles of Confederation, imperfect as that document is, it nevertheless enshrines some of the principles of a truly free and equitable Union between states, wherein the states may govern themselves and solve their own problems, without interference from 'Uncle Sam' and an all-powerful federal government.  Maybe Patrick Henry and the Anti-Federalists were right.  Maybe after 224 years Americans may come to see the prophecy of Patrick Henry came true, and our own federal government (which our Constitution creates) has become our own worst enemy, a nemesis rivalling that of King George III.  Maybe, just maybe, Americans will finally wake up and realise that we have become slaves to an instrument of our founders' own making.  Maybe, just maybe, Americans will once again realise that America and The Constitution are not synonymous, that they are not one in the same, that Americans lived without it before 1789, and indeed gained our independence from England without it.  Maybe, Americans will finally remember that the men who fought the American Revolutionary War never heard of a U.S. Constitution, and those who survived wouldn't hear of it for some time.  Maybe, just maybe, Americans will stop idolising a document that is enslaving us to a federal government that WILL NEVER STOP GROWING until it has consumed everything there is and left us with nothing.  Maybe, just maybe, Americans will finally WAKE UP and understand that true freedom in our Union can only be realised when states are given the ability to govern themselves, solve their own problems, and let people vote with their feet which system is best.  Maybe, just maybe, this 224 year experiment in federal tyranny will finally come to an end, and the people of the states will rise up to the occasion and save us from the brink of our own self-destruction.  Maybe just maybe.  Then again, maybe not.

(This article may be freely copied and distributed without permission from the author -- The Catholic Knight.)

Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

ALERT! Big Prophecy Update For USA Coming Soon!

THE CATHOLIC KNIGHT: A big prophecy update will be forthcoming in this place very soon. I've not written it yet, so please pray for me on this. But I can tell you this right now. It has to do with the connections between Akita, Fatima, Lourdes and Champion, focusing particularly on what our Lord and Lady have to say to the USA through the events at Champion in the context of Akita, Fatima and Lourdes.


As a side note to those of you who have been praying for my father. I've not given an update till now since it appeared that there was nothing new to report. However, in recent days I've learned of a possible resolution to his income problem. It is still unknown what the final outcome will be, so it's too early to send a praise report, but it does appear that your prayers for my father are having some kind of potentially positive effect. I ask for your continual prayers at this difficult time. Thank you all for everything you've done so far.

In Christ,


Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

Right Of Return - Southerners Come Home

Obama is not the first Caesar to rule America, and he may not be the last either.
THE CATHOLIC KNIGHT: I have run all the numbers for the 2012 election, and now with a fair degree of confidence, I think I can safely say two things...
  1. Mitt Romney will be the Republican nominee for President of the United States.  Rick Santorum's strategy of stealing enough delegates away from Romney to cause a brokered G.O.P. convention will not work.  His window of opportunity closed yesterday.  He's a lame duck candidate now.
  2. In a head-to-head battle between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, Mitt Romney loses hands down.  He does not energise the base of the party.  Primary voter turnout numbers are dropping by the week as it becomes more apparent that he will be the nominee.  A socially conservative Romney is viewed as a fraud by the Christian right.  It's over.  Mitt Romney will not (indeed cannot) win.  This means Barack Obama will be re-elected, and we can look forward to another four years of him in the Whitehouse.
So as we prepare for another four years of Obama, the question begs to be asked: "What now?"

The United States is about to go into a period of 'heavy executive oversight' -- i.e. dictatorship.  Fortunately, it looks like this particular dictator -- Obama -- is just a temporary one.  He will hand his seat over to another in Janurary of 2017, but that one will be a dictator too.  This dictatorship period is inevitable and predictable.  Not to worry.  People live under dictatorships all over the world, and some of them live fairly well.  Americans will too.  This however, is the final gasp of the American empire before it crumbles.  When it does crumble, it should happen rather quickly, considering how much federal debt Washington DC has accrued.  The fall of the American empire will be primarily over money, but I would expect a botched foreign war to play into this as well, sucking what little there is left out of the coffers.  We are going the way of the ancient Roman empire.

Within our lifetimes, perhaps sooner than we think, the secession movements in the United States will gain steam and become quite credible.  It is not likely they will move to secede while the American empire is still standing, but as soon as Washington DC loses its grip on things, look for these secession movements to spring into action, taking the lion's share of political attention.   So my question to you is this.  WHEN these secession movements gain steam, and it looks like the former United States is about to be broken up, where do you want to be???  What region of the continent do you think you would do well in?

There are multiple peaceful secession movements across the United States, however the one I am particularly interested in is the American South (Dixieland).  The time has come for all of the sons and daughters of the South, and their descendants, who now live in other parts of the United States, to come home.  When the American empire crumbles, you don't want to be caught in an area where the culture is not your own.  If you're a Southerner by culture, then you know who you are.  You want to be in an area that is ready and eager to rebuild according to the Christian culture and values you hold dear.  Start getting your things in order.  It's time to move back home.

If you're neither a Southerner, nor descended from the South, but you share the values of the Southern people -- Faith, Family and Christian Culture -- then you may want to consider a relocation to the South (Dixie).  Catholicism is growing at a rapid rate in the South.  In fact, it's the only part of the United States where dioceses are building parishes and schools instead of closing them down.  You will also be pleased to know that the Southern states of Dixie are still vigorously fighting gay-marriage, while many states in the North and West have given in to it.  My home state of Missouri has passed a constitutional amendment banning gay-marriage outright.  Many other Southern states have done the same.  This makes the South more hospitable to Catholic Charities while other states in the North and West are causing them to shut down.  Homeschooling is protected in the South as well, encouraging family-based traditional education.  Housing is very affordable and so is Catholic school tuition.  The only advice I would give you is this.  When you come to live here, leave your Northern and Western mentalities behind.  With a little help, you will assimilate into this region easily, and you'll be glad you did. 

St. Joseph, patron of home sellers, pray for us all!

Catholicism Is The Fastest Growing Religion In Dixie

THE CATHOLIC KNIGHT: More evidence is mounting that the American South (Dixieland) is becoming the fastest growing region for Catholicism in the United States (read more here, here and here).  One hallmark of 'Southern Catholicism' is its more traditional character. Southern Catholics are far more likely, than their counterparts in other regions of the United States, to believe what the Catholic Church teaches and attempt to practice it. Furthermore, Southern Catholics have a growing interest in the more traditional liturgical aspects of the faith, including Latin hymns, incense, ad orientem, and kneeling for communion. In addition, there is a growing interest in traditional headcovering among Catholic women in the South. Now with this growth we are beginning to see the building of new seminaries...
(CNA/EWTN News).- A community of cloistered nuns and a future regional seminary plan to occupy newly purchased property in Cleveland County, N.C., to serve a flourishing Catholic population.

The Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration and the Winston-Salem, N.C.-based Te Deum Foundation will acquire 484 acres valued at $2.9 million in Mooresboro, which is about 60 miles west of Charlotte.

“Most seminaries only teach how to close parishes, cluster parishes, and how to administer to several parishes in light of dwindling numbers of Catholics,” the foundation said on their website. “Praise be to God that this is not a problem in the South!”

The planned seminary, for which 151 acres have been set aside, will be the only one in Georgia, Florida and North and South Carolina, the Catholic News Herald reported. Seminarians from the Diocese of Charlotte currently attend seminaries in Maryland, Ohio and Rome....

read full story here
It should not be surprising then that with this growth of Catholic population in the South, we are also seeing a surge of Catholics into the Southern Nationalist Movement. In fact, Catholics make up a sizeable portion of the leadership in this movement. You can read more here.

Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Another Santorum Reality Check

Rick Santorum
THE CATHOLIC KNIGHT: I know many of my readers are rooting for Rick Santorum. I've pointed out the problems with Santorum here on this blog, but I realise he is no worse than Obama on many issues, so it's pretty much a wash. Santorum's appeal to many conservative Catholics and Evangelicals is almost exclusively along social issues. The purpose of this post is not to debate the merits of Santorum's candidacy. The purpose of this post is to introduce a healthy dose of reality to the conversation.

The fact is, it is a statistical impossibility for Rick Santorum to gain enough delegates to win the GOP nomination. Santorum's ONLY shot is to deprive Romney of enough delegates to force a brokered convention. A lot of that chance will likely evaporate today as it is suspected that Santorum will lose Illinois to Romney. Illinois is a 'must-win state' for Santorum, and it doesn't look like that is going to happen. The nomination is Mitt Romney's to lose. So if he just plays his cards right, he will win the nomination.

Mitt Romney is an unexciting candidate to say the least.  He is an undeniable Pro-Life fraud.  He has a favourable record toward gay-marriage.  It will be difficult to motivate Christian Republicans to turn out to the polls to vote for him.  When it comes to Romney, only hatred for Obama, and disdain for Obama alone, can garner enough GOP votes to give Obama a serious challenge in November.   Will such negativity be enough to propel Romney into the Whitehouse.  I doubt it.  As a result, The Catholic Knight is preparing his family for another four years of the Obama administration.

Senin, 19 Maret 2012

Typical Anti-Dixie Propaganda

THE CATHOLIC KNIGHT:  I saw the preview trailer for this film and I was speechless.  I didn't know whether to be offended, or laugh, or what?  I was just speechless.  The whole concept is just so ridiculous.  It's almost like a joke -- right? -- it is a joke?  Isn't it???  No, they can't be serious.

Ah, but they were serious.  The whole Civil War conflict has been rewritten into a Hollywood vampire film.  Yes, seriously... vampires.

It's called 'Abraham Lincoln - Vampire Hunter' and I'm sure you can guess who the vampires are.  That's right - my ancestors - the Southerners.  I suppose of this were a low-budget 'B' film I would probably just laugh it off.  However, it looks like somebody put a lot of money into this.

Now I'm not into the vampire thing.  I honestly don't find anything that entertaining about people behaving as blood-sucking leaches, but hey, to each his own I guess.

In America it seems there are only two acceptable prejudices any more.  The first is against practising Catholics of course.  The second is against people of Southern heritage.  Folks like me just get a double dose I suppose.  Still, I wonder if the vampires in this film were black slaves how the NAACP would look at that.  If they were Jews, I wonder what the Anti-Defamation League would say.  If they were Native Americans, I would be curious to see the tribal responses.

In America today, we live in a culture where the South is so wrongfully maligned, so incredibly slandered, that turning our Southern ancestors into blood-sucking vampires is viewed as perfectly acceptable for Hollywood entertainment.  I post this strictly for my international readers, so you can see first hand just how debased, ignorant, insensitive and downright hateful (not to mention stupid) the prevailing Yankee culture has become in the United States.

Maybe Catholics Should Just Stop Voting

(Ethika Politika) - What then is the best Catholic strategy for the present? In 2004 I wrote an article for New Oxford Review arguing that if we Catholics really wanted to have an impact on U.S. politics, the best means would be a strategy selectively to abstain from voting, so as to serve notice to politicians that until they come to us with a platform reasonably in comformity with the entire range of Catholic teaching, they could not expect our votes. Play hard to get and let them come courting, I argued. There are enough of us so that we should make them earn our votes, not run after one politician or the other who mouths agreement with Catholic teaching on this or that issue.
Is this still our best hope for influencing American politics? Much depends, I think, on whether any of the current legal or political efforts to overturn the administration’s health care mandate will succeed. If they do not, if there are not enough active and faithful Catholics to make this politically feasible, then perhaps the best strategy for the Church is to forget about electoral politics entirely for the time being and simply preach the whole Gospel, both those parts that resonate with the left and those that resonate with the right. After all, was this not the mission given to the Church at her origins? In any case, no compromise with either political bloc will serve the interests of the Church in the long runs, interests which are ultimately not of this world anyway, but simply the sanctification and salvation of souls....
read full story here
THE CATHOLIC KNIGHT: In the upcoming presidential election, I am going to propose the following.  Since the GOP race now seems to be solely between Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney, I am going to say that Mr. Santorum is worth a try, in spite of his short comings, because he may be influenced by his Catholic faith just enough to do the right things while in office.  In other words, it may be worth giving another Catholic a crack at the Whitehouse just to see what happens.

Now I want to clarify. Rick Santorum is probably one of the worst anti-liberty candidates in the Republican primaries. He is the political antithesis of everything every freedom-loving Southerner stands for. However, in comparison to Obama on that issue, he is no worse, so when it comes to freedom, a race between Santorum and Obama is a wash. We pretty much break even. The only thing that's worth a darn about Santorum is his Pro-Life position, coupled with the fact that he (as a supposedly conservative Catholic) will have his feet held to the fire on that one. If he takes the dictator-in-cheif position in favour of the unborn, than perhaps an ounce of good can come from his administration. Though I'm sure it will be short-lived. Just as soon as a Democrat regains the Whitehouse, after his 'reign,' all the benefits will be lost.

Another 'good' Rick Santorum might accomplish is to finally decouple freedom-loving Southerners from the Republican Party. Right now people associate the Republican Party with the TEA Party and conservatism. A Santorum administration would once and for all put an end to the notion that constitutional restraint can be realised within the Republican Party. The G.O.P. is the author of American dictatorship through its infamous hero -- Abraham Lincoln.

If however, Mitt Romney wins the GOP nomination, I am going to say that we have no truly Pro-Life candidate running for president this year.

Without a truly Pro-Life candidate in the race, I think it might be wise to not vote for president, or vote third-party, or do whatever it takes to rob both the Democrats and Republicans of our vote entirely.

Maybe in the absence of any real political solution, this is the only answer. Maybe we should just stop voting, perhaps limiting our participation to state and local politics if we vote at all, until the national political parties start courting us again. Your thoughts?